Stepping Into Civic Leadership

Several dozen people joined us this past Tuesday evening for Answering the Call, a free online event designed to begin a conversation around addressing America’s racial reckoning. It was a discussion on the edge of anticipation, yet full of hope as people shared why they felt it important to put their attention on America’s racial reckoning.

The participants didn’t hesitate to reveal the personal stories, reflections, and experiences that brought them to this discussion. Greg, Amiel, and I also shared what sparked our desire to have this conversation. It was a powerful evening of exchange:

I’m interested in the current conversation around racial reckoning and healing because my heart hurts and has since childhood from the presence of bigotry. In my life and work, I see the impacts of our failure to deal with our nation’s history, with the ongoing effects of intergenerational trauma. The time is arriving to actually face into it and do our best to heal. I intend to be part of that.


My wake-up call was seeing the difference in the response to George Floyd’s murder from my POC friends and my white friends. I came away very disappointed in my white friends.

Stepping up to embrace and further our civic leadership takes courage. As we recognize that the change needed for the wellbeing of all in our community and society is one we can help advance, our voice takes on a new level of significance. We open the space for Shared Leadership.

If you missed the conversation, click the image above or this link to the video recording: Answering the Call.

Hero/Heroine Journey

During Tuesday’s event, we revealed that we will be facilitating a live six-month journey starting October 6.

Stepping Up: Wrestling With America's Past, Reimagining Its Future, Healing Together will provide the opportunity to explore American history, reflect on your own experiences, and reimagine the future in a psychologically safe environment.

A deeply personal journey, this course is for those who are committed to healing the racial divide, are inspired to take action by expanding their perspectives and expressing their true voice. These will be complex conversations, approached with nuance, curiosity and a sense of possibility.  

Course sessions will include a variety of interactive exercises, individual reflection, short talks, and small group discussion. Highly participatory, the course includes twelve live course sessions, monthly small group meetings, a bonus session with Diane Musho-Hamilton, and ongoing readings, videos, creative provocations, conversation micro-habits, and reflective exercises. 

We’ve framed this experience as a hero and heroine journey, drawing on the blues/jazz approach to meet life's challenges and connect with others who are reaching for a new narrative. We have to co-create the conditions that will create a different story.

This is an opportunity to practice your noblest intentions with skill, grace, and clarity. By finding your footing, you also find your voice. An inner desire to do something positive has become a clear picture of how your strengths can meet the moment.

We hope you will take the journey with us. Read more about what we are offering and enroll here: Stepping Up. For those who sign up by September 21, there’s a $300 discount.



Leadership to Make Sense of the Complexity


To My Daughter, Kaya: 9/11 Reflections